Vol.5 No 3, 2008 pp. 205 - 215
UDC 339.187.44 (497.11)
Tamara Milenković Kerković
Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Trg kralja Aleksandra Ujedinitelja
11, Serbia
Together with visible trends of development and promotion of franchising
activities in Serbia during the last year, there are numerous attempts
in new Serbian legislation policy to regulate franchising agreement de
lege ferenda. Besides the process of entering of many foreign franchising
systems into Serbian economy, there are contemporary attempts of Serbian
legal doctrine and legislative practice to regulate some aspects of the
franchising agreement. The most successful was the work of the Commission
of Legal Experts formed by the Serbian Government in 2006, which proposed
a model for the regulation of franchising agreement as well as leasing
and factoring, as presently unknown contracts in Serbian legislation, at
he end of 2007. Those rules will be integrated as "New Commercial Contracts"
in Serbian Law of Obligation which will be a part of the new Serbian Civil
Code which will be enacted by the Commission. The norms, which regulate
franchising proposed by the Serbian legislator, are relationship provisions
regulating contractual relationships between the franchiser and franchisee.
Those norms define the most important obligation aspects of franchising
agreement, including its definition and essential elements, content of
the contract, contractual specifications, written form, registration requirements,
obligation of the parties, restrictions, responsibilities, termination
and other relationship norms which are stipulated on order to protect the
equivalency of mutual commitments in franchising contracts as well as the
position of the franchisee as the economically weaker party. Following
the trends of international franchising regulations realized under auspices
of the UNIDROIT, a part of the Serbian legal doctrine accepst the modern
concept of franchising disclosure regulation, which is prevalent in most
countries that already have regulated franchising agreement. Franchiser
commitment to provide a franchisee with necessary information before entering
into franchising contract will help him make a valid decision on entering
into franchiser's concept of business. Enactment of disclosure franchise
regulation will be a means to create a secure legal environment between
all the parties in franchise agreements in Serbian economy.
Key words: Franchising agreement, UNIDROIT Model Law,
Uporedo sa vidljivim porastom franšiznog poslovanja u Srbiji u poslednje
dve godine, kao i zajedno sa promotivnim i edukativnm aktivnostima novoosnovanog
Centra za franšizing u okviru PKS i srpska legislativa se okrece ovom
ugovoru autonomnog trgovinskog prava u težnji da uredi obligaciono-pravna
dejstva tog po mnogo čemu specifičnog pravnog posla. Bilo je tokom
poslednjih godina više pokušaja da se uredi oblast ugovora o franšizingu
a najveće rezultate imala je Komisija za izradu Građanskog zakonika Republike
Srbije koju je 2006. god. osnovala srpska Vlada. Model regulative ugovora
o franšizingu ovo je telo predložilo i ugradilo u deo koji reguliše
tzv. "nove trgovinske ugovore". Norme koje srpski legislator predlaže
treba da urede relativno-pravni odnos između subjekata franšizing poslovnog
odnosa, a pre svega bitne elemente ugovora, sadržinu ugovora, pismenu
formu, obavezu registracije, obaveze ugovornih strana, pitanja odgovornosti,
prestanka ugovornog odnosa kao i druga pitanja koja treba da očuvaju osetljivu
ravnotežu uzajamnih davanja ali i da obezbede zaštitu ekonomski inferiornijeg
ugovornog partnera. Regulativa ugovora o franšizingu koja je ostvarena
na međunarodnom planu (UNIDROIT) kao i u uporednom zakonodavstvu nosi
primetan trend regulative obaveze predugovornog obaveštavanja korisnika
franšizinga o svim bitnim aspektima budućeg pravnog posla kako bi korisnik
franšizinga bio u stanju da donese utemeljenu odluku o ulasku sistem franšiznog
poslovanja davaoca franšizinga. Stoga se autor u radu zalaže za izmenu
pravila o potrebi registracije ugovora o franšizingu a za unošenje de
lege ferenda pravila o obavezi davaoca da određeni period pre ulaska u
ugovorni odnos korisniku obezbedi dokument koji sadrži obaveštenja sa
najznačajnijim aspektima budućeg ugovornog odnosa.
Ključne reči: ugovor o franšizingu, Model Zakon UNIDROIT,
obaveza obaveštavanja