Vol.5 No 2, 2008 pp. 105 - 114
UDC 339.137
Vlastimir Leković
Faculty of Economics, University of Kragujevac

Mutual conditionality of the processes of the national economy competitiveness and the economic growth, as well as the complexity and the significance of the necessary transformations of the national economy and consistence with the dominant global economy tendencies, conditions the necessity for one complex analysis of factors and conditions for the realization of all possible alternatives related to the competitiveness of the national economy and its economic entities. In global economic conditions economic growth can be perceived as a result of global competitiveness of the economic systems and institutions where the choice is incorporated into the process, sometimes a conscious one and sometimes a spontaneous one, of the most efficient directions towards the socio-economic growth. National competitiveness is defined in this paper as a relative indicator which maintains production efficiency, distribution and realization of goods within one country as well as abroad, in order to increase its economic potential and the socio-economic development level. From the above mentioned facts it can be concluded that the very essence of a country's competitiveness consists of the specific level of the competitiveness of the national companies and the goods that these companies produce.
Key words:  Competitiveness, institutions, global economy, national economy, enterprise

Međusobna uslovljenost procesa konkurentnosti nacionalne ekonomije i ekonomskog rasta, kao i složenost i dubina neophodnih transformacija nacionalne ekonomije, u skladu sa dominantnim tendencijama u globalnoj ekonomiji, uslovljava neophodnost kompleksne analize faktora i uslova mogućih varijanti realizacije strategije konkrentnosti nacionalne ekonomije i njenih ekonomskih subjekata. U uslovima globalne ekonomije, ekonomski razvoj možemo posmatrati kao rezultat globalne konkurencije ekonomskih sistema i institucija u čijem procesu se nalazi izbor, nekad svesni nekad spontani, najefikasnijih puteva društveno-ekonomskog razvoja. Nacionalna konkurentnost se u radu definiše kao relativan pokazatelj koji odražava efikasnost proizvodnje, raspodele i realizacije dobara kako unutar zemlje, tako i van njenih granica u cilju povećanja vlastitog ekonomskog potencijala i nivoa društveno-ekonomskog razvoja. Iz navedenog sledi zaključak da suštinu konkurentnosti zemlje pretpostavlja određeni nivo konkurentnosti nacionalnih kompanija i dobara koja one proizvode.
Ključne reči:  Konkurentnost, institucije, globalna ekonomija, nacionalna ekonomija, preduzeće