Vol.4, No 2, 2007 pp. 91 - 107
UDC 005.32    005.96
Robert Vodopivec1, Ljupčo Krstov2
1University of Maribor, 2School of Business and Management, Novo mesto, Slovenia

The traditional organizational structures and processes along the value chains on a world wide scale in turbulent business environment have to continuously adapt to new conditions. Business environment puts pressure on organizations to effectively meet the fundamental changes. We focused on the major technical and technological changes which evolve rapidly. In global competition information technology (IT) has unique impact on competitive climate, it is changing the nature of classic competition and adds a new dimension of competition-interrelatedness. Competitive and technological forces do not permit any single organization to enjoy sustainable competitive advantages just from use of information technology, but they arise from the human, organizational and system innovations. Organizational rules are instruments (mechanism) which arise from institutional and organizational settings. Changing the system of rules changes the behaviour of members of the organization so that the members actually obtain new knowledge through the process of learning the new rules, which are the carriers of knowledge. Institutional and organizational settings are sources of rules and factors in the continuous changing of rules. The dynamic quality of the changes is the reason for continuous learning, which results in changes in the behaviour of members of the organization. In the environment of permanent technological changes, the dynamic effect of rules is an important mechanisms that can be used to co-ordinate the flow of knowledge and influence the behaviour of members of organizations which are creators of information - strategic business resources and pillars of sustainable competitive advantages arisen from human, organizational and system innovations, foundations of knowledge based management Therefore the core of our research model is the dynamic effect of rules on the behaviour of members of organizations in environment of permanent technological changes.
Key words:  Organizational and business rules, institutional and organizational settings, dynamic effect of rules, organizational behaviour, management, human resource management, strategic management, supply chain management

Tradicionalne organizacione strukture i procesi uz lance vrednosti širom sveta u turbulentnom poslovnom okruženju, moraju se neprestano prilagođavati novim uslovima. Poslovno okruženje nameće pritisak organizacijama da efektivno izlaze u susret fundamentalnim promenama. Fokusiramo se na glavne tehničke i tehnološke promene koje se brzo menjaju. U globalnoj utakmici informacione tehnologije imaju jedinstven uticaj na konkurentnu klimu, one menjaju prirodu klasične utakmice i dodaju novu dimenziju konkurentnosti - međusobnu povezanost. Konkurenstke i tehnološke sile ne dozvoljavaju nijednoj organizaciji da uživa u održivoj konkurentskoj prednosti samo upotrebom informacionih tehnologija, već i upotrebom ljudskih, organizacionih i sistemskih inovacija. Organizaciona pravila su instrument (mehanizam) koji proističe iz institucionalnih i organizacionih podešavanja. Institucionalna i organizaciona podešavanja su izvor pravila i faktora u kontinuiranoj promeni pravila. Dinamički kvalitet promena je razlog za kontinuirano učenje, koje rezultira u promenama ponašanja članova organizacije. U uslovima permanentnih tehnoloških promena, dinamički efekat pravila je bitan mehanizam koji se može koristiti za koordinaciju tokova znanja i uticaj na ponašanje članova organizacije, koji su kreatori informacija - strategijski poslovni resursi i održiva konkurentska prednost proistekla iz ljudskih, organizacionih i sistemskih inovacija. Zbog toga je srž naših istraživanja dinamički efekat pravila na ponašanje članova organizacija u uslovima permanentnih tehnoloških promena.