Vol.4, No 1, 2007 pp. 69 - 77
UDC 330.322
IN THE PERIOD 2004 - 2006
- Accent on agriculture: collision of economic needs
and institutional limitations-

Vesna Paraušić
Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, Serbia

Competition of Serbian economy is extremely low and this is evident through the high foreign trade deficit, unfavorable export structure of goods and a high degree of state's indebtedness. As the domestic accumulation is not sufficient for carrying on the sustainable economic growth, led by modern and innovative technologies, between the foreign investment and credit arrangement - it is justified that Serbia opens its door for the foreign capital. However, according to the evaluations of economists in Serbia and the analysis of many international organizations and institutions - the basic problems of economic growth, higher competition and bigger attraction of foreign investment in Serbia are present in ineffective institutions of the system (especially judiciary and financial markets) and underdeveloped infrastructure. The paper is, at the same time, an inspection of measures needed for Serbia to make foreign investors more interested in long-term investment in Serbian economy, especially in the area of agriculture and processing industry (production of food).
Key Words: foreign direct investment, institutions, infrastructure, agricultural, competition
- akcenat na poljoprivredi: sukob ekonomskih potreba i institucionalnih ograničenja -

Konkurentnosti privrede Srbije izuzetno je niska, a evidentna je kroz visok spoljno-trgovinski deficit, nepovoljnu strukturu robnog izvoza i visok stepen zaduženosti zemlje. Kako je domaća akumulacija nedovoljna za održiv privredni rast, vodjen savremenim i inovativnim tehnologijama, izmedju stranih investicija i kreditnih zaduženja – opravdano je što Srbija svoja vrata otvora stranom kapitalu. Medjutim, prema oceni privrednika u Srbiji i analizama mnogih medjunarodnih organizacija i institucija – osnovni problemi privrednog rasta, veće konkurentnosti i većeg privlačenja stranih investicija u Srbiji leže u neefikasnim institucijama sistema (posebeno oblast sudova i finansijskih tržišta) i nerazvijenoj infrastrukturi. Rad je ujedno prikaz mera koje su Srbiji neophodne da bi strani ulagači bili više zainteresovani za dugoročna investiranja u privredu i infrastrukturu Srbije.
Ključne reči: Strane direktne investicije, institucije, infrastruktura, poljoprivreda, konkurentnost