Vol.2, No 3, 2005 pp. 189 -199
UDC 005.21:338.51
Bojan Ilić, Vesna Milićević
Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade,
Jove Ilića 154, Serbia and Montenegro
The paper presents an integrative approach to the contemporary pricing
strategies. The conditions of a complex and dynamic environment and intensive
competition imply managers' holistic approach considering possible pricing
strategies for new products and services or strategies for existing prices
modification. The focus is on both the multidimensionality of price issue
and on the selection of an adequate strategic alternative for product or
service pricing. Managers should bear in mind changes in level and structure
of firm costs, in quality and other factors of competitiveness, as well
as external changes, concerning the market structure, production differentiation,
demand level, competitors activities, stages in life cycle of the industry,
price awareness, customers' attitude, their perception of prestige and
their life style. The integration of all these factors regarding the selection
of one of the analyzed pricing strategies, as well as the impact of successfully
implemented pricing strategy on enterprise competitiveness and profitability
increase, are crucial.
U radu je prezentiran integrativni pristup savremenim strategijama
cena. Uslovi kompleksnog i dinamičkog okruženja i intenzivne konkurencije
podrazumevaju holizam u stavovima menadžera prilikom razmatranja
mogućih strategija formiranja cena novih proizvoda i usluga ili strategija
modifikovanja postojećih cena. Fokus je na samoj multidimenzionalnosti
problematike cena i na izboru adekvatne strategijske alternative za određivanje
cena proizvoda ili usluga konkretnog preduzeća. Menadžeri moraju
uzeti u obzir promene u nivou i strukturi troškova preduzeća, u kvalitetu
i ostalim faktorima konkurentnosti, kao i eksterne promene vezane za:tržišnu
strukturu, stepen proizvodne diferencijacije, nivo tražnje, aktivnosti
konkurenata, životni ciklus delatnosti, svesnost o cenama, stavove kupaca,
njihovu percepciju prestiža i njihov životni stil. Suština je u svojevrsnom
integrisanju svih ovih faktora kod selekcije jedne od analiziranih
strategija cena i uticaju uspešno realizovane strategije na povećanje
konkurentnost i profitabilnosti preduzeća.