Vol.2, No 1, 2003 pp. 1 - 8
UDC 339.92(4-12)
Nataša Golubović1, Srdjan Golubović2
1Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, 18000 Niš, Serbia and Montenegro
2Faculty of Law, University of Niš, 18000 Niš, Serbia and Montenegro

Among the countries of Southeastern Europe, despite the geographical proximity, there is a very low level of economic integration. Since the economic status of these countries is very poor, a revival of regional economic cooperation through intensification of trade, realization of regional investment projects and greater inflow of FDI, could foster economic growth in these countries. This would reduce the income gap in relation to those countries which will join EU earlier, and create conditions for a faster integration of Southeastern Europe with the EU. In this paper we shall analyze the existing level of economic integration of Southeastern Europe and try to argue why economic cooperation should be actively encouraged.

Izmedju zemalja Jugoistočne Evrope, uprkos geografskoj bliskosti, postoji nizak stepen ekonomske integrisanosti. Imajući u vidu slabe ekonomske performanse ovih zemalja, jačanje regionalne ekonomske saradnje kroz podsticanje medjusobne razmene, realizaciju regionalnih investicionih projekata i veći priliv SDI, može da podstakne brži privredni rast u ovim zemljama. Time bi se smanjio jaz u dohotku u odnosu na zemlje koje će ranije pristupiti EU i stvorili preduslovi za bržu integraciju zemalja JIE u EU. U radu ćemo najpre analizirati stepen ekonomske integrisanosti regiona Jugoistočne Evrope u dosadašnjem periodu, a zatim pokušati da argumentujemo neophodnost jačanja ekonomske saradnje medju zemljama ovog regiona.