Vol.1, No 10, 2002 pp. 25 - 29
UDC 519.233.5
Vera Djordjević
Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Serbia and Montenegro
Multiple regression analysis takes great place in the statistical science and practice. F. Galton, English statistician and geneticist, has written that the aim of statistical science is "to find out methods in collecting large groups of data in short, condensend terms convenient for discussion". This thought, although it was told more than one century ago, can be applied to the subject and method of multiple linear regression. The significance of this method is in its usage to predict and estimate the value of this phenomenon (it has been identified as dependent variable). We have to test the significance of given results if we want to use the statistics of the F-test and statistics of the Student's t-test.
Key words: testing, multiple linear regression, regression model, residual, regression coefficient, standard error of regression, coefficient of multiple determination, zero hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, analysis of variance, F-test, t-test.

Upotrebljivost modela linearne višestruke regresije za predviđanje i ocenjivanje vrednosti zavisne promenljive proverava se testiranjem. Za testiranje možemo koristiti F-test i t-test. I jednim i drugim testom proverava se da li oblik zavisnosti utvrđen na osnovu raspoloživih podataka (podataka uzorka) važi za osnovni skup. Samo u tom slučaju regresioni model može poslužiti analitičaru za dalju statističku analizu i korišćenje.