Vol.1, No 9, 2001 pp. 59 - 63
UDC 005.6
Ljubiša V. Cvetković
Faculty of Technology, University of Niš, 16000 Leskovac, Yugoslavia

Abstract. Quality and management are unavoidable conditions of successful business and, therefore, they are mutually dependent. Their mutual dependence is reflected in the following: the quality system connects all other subsystems of management; quality and management are based on the same methods and principles; quality and manegement are related to the same objects; management makes quality related questions answered; quality and management can be treated as a goal and the way to achieve the goal, in the same time. Therefore, the way to achieve goals of a business system is the way of quality based business system management.

Kvalitet i upravljanje su nezaobilazni uslovi uspešnog poslovanja, zbog čega proističe da su i oni međusobno zavisni. Njihova međuzavisnost se ogleda u tome: što sistem kvaliteta povezuje sve druge podsisteme upravljanja; što se zasniva na istim metodama i principima; što se odnose na iste objekte; što upravljanje pomaže da se pronađu odgovori na pitanja u vezi sa kvalitetom; što se kvalitet i upravljanje mogu tretirati i ciljem i sredstvom. Proističe, da put ka ostvarivanju ciljeva poslovnog sistema vodi preko upravljanja poslovnim sistemom, zasnovanog na kvalitetu.