Vol.1, No 9, 2001 pp. 19 - 28
UDC 658.114(497.11-13)
Biljana Predić, Suzana Stefanović
Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Yugoslavia
Abstract. This paper has resulted from the authors' attempt, based
on theoretical discussion and the results of their own empirical research,
to confirm the assumption that a wider inclusion of strategic partners
could accelerate the privatization and restructuring processes in our enterprises.
The fact should therewith be pointed out that the transition process is
delayed in Serbia as compared with other countries in the region. A significant
number of companies have not yet made adequate preparations in the sense
of capital assessment, analysis of their own strengths and weaknesses,
analysis of opportunities and threats in the environment and similar. In
this, the attractiveness of our companies for strategic investors shall
substantially depend on the sectors these companies belong to, as well
as on the interest of particular foreign companies in the country's resources
or market. The selection of a strategy for entering our market shall also
be related to this. However, notwithstanding these limitations, privatization
and restructuring represent a solid basis for an increase in the industry
efficiency and a stimulus for the development of small and medium-size
enterprises, embodied in the strategic trend of Serbian industry development.
Ovaj rad predstavlja pokušaj autora da teoretskim razmatranjima i na osnovu
rezultata sopstvenih empirijskih istraživanja potvrde pretpostavku da je
širim uključivanjem strateških partnera moguće ubrzati procese privatizacije
i restrukturiranja naših preduzeća. Pri tome, moramo istaći činjenicu da
se u Srbiji kasni u sprovodjenju tranzicije u odnosu na druge zemlje iz
regiona. Ne mali broj preduzeća nije izvršio adekvatne pripreme u vidu
procene kapitala, analize svojih snaga i slabosti, analize šansi i opasnosti
iz okruženja i sl. Pri tome, aktraktivnost naših preduzeća za strateške
investitore zavisiće u mnogome i od sektora kojem ta preduzeća pripadaju,
kao i od toga da li je strana kompanija zainteresovana za resurse ili za
tržište naše zemlje. Od toga će zavisiti i izbor strategije ulaska na naše
tržište. Ali, bez obzira na ta ograničenja, privatizacija i restrukturiranje
predstavljaju dobru osnovu za povećanje efikasnosti privrede, a takodje
i podsticaj za razvoj sektora malih i srednjih preduzeća, što je i strateški
pravac razvoja privrede Srbije.