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Useful book for students and researchers

The compiler is one of the most vital parts of computer's software intended to translate programs written in HLL into low-level commands that the machine can understand and execute. During the last twenty years compiler construction has changed dramatically. Compiler development today, more intensively, focuses on optimization and efficient code generation.

COMPILERS: Principles Techniques, & Tools covers advanced issues in the design and implementation of compilers for modern processors. This book is one of the most comprehensive books I have read about compiler design.

The book is very well organized, well-written, and easy-to-follow. Each chapter of the book is organized in a similar way, containing a brief introduction, analysis of the main theme, a summary, and references for the chapter.

The intended audience of the book are students at advanced compiler design course, researchers and practicing engineers who wish to learn more about design and implementation of modern compilers. It is an excellent resource for any engineer working in the field of embedded systems design.

I will certainly keep this book in my library and recommend it to anyone working in this field.

Professor Vidosav Stojanović
Faculty of Electronic Engineering Niš
Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, P.O. Box 73
18000 Niš, Serbia

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root 2007-05-01