Facta Univ. Ser.: Elec. Energ., vol. 19, No. 3, December 2006, pp. 393-404.

Modelling of the Criteria for Measurement and Assessing the Quality of University Education

Maria Hristova and Iliya Zhelezarov

Abstract: The paper deals with the application of expert methods and correlation analysis during multi-criterial measurement and assessment of the quality of university education. The paper is founded on the precondition that the quality of university education has to be measured and the quantitative assessments have to be obtained by scalarization of preliminarily defined criteria, which depend on the single indices about quality of training.

The multi-componential criterial functions of indices, the correlation dependences between them, the coefficients of weight have been studied applying the method of expert assessment.

Keywords: Measurement, assessment, quality of training, expert assessment.
