5th International Conference on 
Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, 
Cable and Broadcasting Services


Yugoslavia, Nis 19-21 September 2001


Organized by Technically co-sponsored by Under auspices of In co-operation with: The technical program is dedicated but not limited to the following main areas:

  • Satellite communications
  • Classical cable and optical communications
  • Mobile communication
  • Computational electromagnetic
  • Antennas and propagation
  • RF and microwave technique
  • Electromagnetic compatibility
  • Broadcasting and digital television
  • Digital signal processing
  • Multimedial communications
  • Broadband wireless access
  • Telecommunication networks
  • Modulations and coding
  • Internet technologies
  • New telecommunications technologies and services
  • Other

The authors are invited to send original, previously unpublished contributions. Important dates are:

Submision of two-page extended abstracts: 15 February 2001
Notification of acceptance: 15 April 2001
Submision of papers (camera-ready manuscript): 15 June 2001
Program publishing: 15 August 2001

For further information please contact

Prof. Dr. Bratislav Milovanovic
Conference Chairman

Faculty of Electronic Engineering
Beogradska 14, 18 000 Nis, Yugoslavia
phone: +381 18 529 320; fax:+381 18 46 180
e-mail: bata@elfak.ni.ac.yu

Biljana Stojanovic
Technical Secretary

Faculty of Electronic Engineering
Beogradska 14, 18 000 Nis, Yugoslavia
phone: +381 18 529 303; fax:+381 18 46 180
e-mail: telsiks@elfak.ni.ac.yu, info@telsiks.org.yu

Official TELSIKS 2001 WWW site:
