Vol.1, No 4, 1997 pp. 561 - 567
UDC: 691.32/.34(045)
Vladimir Radojičić1, Tomislav Radojičić2
1 Faculty of Civil Engineering, Priština, Sunčev breg bb.
2 Niš, Beogradska 14 Yugoslavia
Abstract. This work the projecting the mixture for making the high
quality concrete to be of use for making the beams stressing by bending
moment has been.
For geffing high quality concrete the same granulomtreic continuos
curves except the mixture No.11 and No. 12 which are this continual (without
the fraction off 4-8 and off 8-16) where mostly used.
As the components off the concrete where be used the cement" Beočin"
PC 45 B the cement" Novi Popovac PC 15 Z 45 B the hydraulic bond "Virolit
the cement" Usje PC 45 B the separate aggregate" Moravac ",the limestone
and the basalt crushed rock the flying ashes and the supreplastificator
ZP and SPk 989.
The breakage of the cubes went along the aggregate (mixture No.7) and
along the cement paste.
The mixture with the addition of flying aches in this case has not
produced the expected result.
The Regulation BAB '87 article 21 about the high quality concrete says
"The concrete above MB 60 are special concretes that can be used only
for special purposess ".
In order to get better proof to find the best way to get high quality
concrete experimental research should be made by varying the quantity of
concrete, the quantity of flying aches or silicate dust i.e. water concrete
factor plastificators as well as the well of producing the concrete.
U radu je analizirano projektovanje mešavina za dobijanje visokokvalitetnog
betona koji bi se koristio za izradu armirano betonskih nosača napregnutih
momentom savijanja.
Za dobijanje visokokvalitetnog betona korišćene su uglavnom, kontinualne
granulometrijske krive sa izuzetkom mešavina br.11, br.12 koje su diskontinualne
(bez frakcija od 4-8 mm. i 8-16 mm).
Kao komponente betona korišćeni su: cement "Beočin" RS 45 V, cement
"Novi Popovac" RS 15 Z 45 V, hidrauličko vezivo "Virolit", cemet "Usje"
RS 45 V, separisani agregat "Moravac", krečnjački i bazaltni tucanik, leteći
pepeo i superplastifikator ZP i SPK 989. Lom kocki išao je po agregatu
(mešavina 7) i preko cementnog maltera.
Mešavina sa dodatkom letećeg pepela u našem slučaju nije dala očekivane
Pravilnik BAB 87, član 21 o visokokvalitetnim betonima kaže: "Betoni
iznad MB 60 su specijalni betoni koji se mogu upotrebiti samo u posebne
svrhe ".
Da bi se izveli čvršći dokazi o tome, kako najcelishodnije doći do
visokokvalitetnog betona, treba nastaviti eksperimentalna istraživanja
sa variranjem: količine cementa, količine letećeg pepela ili silikatne
prašine, odnosno vodo-cementnog faktora, plastifikatora kao i načina spravljanja