Vol.11, No 2, 2013 pp. 169 - 177
UDC 711.4:316.72=111
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE1302169A

Anthony K. Adebayo, Anthony C. O. Iweka, Bolawole F. Ogunbodede, Joseph M. Igwe
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Lagos, Akoka – Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria
E-mail: tonyiweka@yahoo.com
Despite the modern and grandiose appearance of most architectural projects, closer examinations cast doubts on their sensitivity to the cultural and traditional past of the societies for which they were intended. Space for human habitation and interaction is one of the primary aspects of man's culture, and is basic to any architectural discussion. For a long time, architecture in most developing nations was shaped by colonial contexts and ideologies. The architects seemed more committed to revitalizing the civilization of other advanced countries within a new world setting. The focus of this paper is on the interplay between architecture and culture. The relationship between spaces created by architects and the local culture is examined within the context of place – the house, the community, the region, as well as the nation. The study identifies ties that bind groups together. It also explores the components that constitute spatial character. Physical and intangible aspects of materials in achieving environmental character are evaluated. Key questions regarding the professional and ideological inclination of architects are addressed. Finally, the impact of emerging global trends occasioned by contact of cultures is analyzed.
Key words: architectural planning, culture, cultural symbolism, identity, place, space.

Uprkos modernom i grandioznom izgledu mnogih arhitektonskih projekata, bliži uvid stvara sumnju u njihovu osetljivost na kulturnu i tradicionalnu prošlost društuva kojima su namenjeni. Prostor gde ljudi žive i gde se odvija njihova interakcija je jedan primarnih aspekata ljudske kulture i osnova svake arhitektonske diskusije. Veoma dugo, arhitektura zemalja u razvoju je bila oblikovana kolonijalističkim kontekstima i ideologijama. Arhitekte su više bile posvećene revitalizaciji civilizacije drugih naprednih društava u novom okruženju. Ovaj rad prvensteno tretira interakciju arhitekture i kulture. Ondos između prostora koje su kreirali arhitekti i lokalnih kultura se ispituje u kontekstu mesta – kuće, zajednice, regiona kao i zemlje. Proučavanje prepoznaje veze koje povezuju grupe. Takođe istražuje komponente koje tvore karakter prostora. Procenjuju se fizički i nefizički aspekti materijal u kreiranju karaktera okoline. Govori se o glavnim pitanjima koja se tiču profesionalne i ideološke naklonosti arhitekata. Konačno, analizira se uticaj globalnih trendova u nastajanju, koji se javljaju usled kontakta kultura.
Ključne reči: arhitektonsko planiranje, kultura, kulturni simbolizam, identitet, mesto, prostor