Vol.11, No 1, 2013 pp. 97 - 105
UDC 504.4:595.324:004=111
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE1301097D

Đorđe Đorđević1, Srbislav Nešić2
1University of Niš, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Serbia
2Construction Cluster "Dundjer," Niš, Serbia
E-mail: djoka@ni.ac.rs
One of the most used bioassays for toxicity screening of chemicals and for toxicity monitoring of effluents and contaminated waters is the acute toxicity test performed with Daphnia Magna. Standard methods have been developed and gradually improved by national and international organizations dealing with toxicity testing procedure, in view of its application within a regulatory framework. As for all toxicity tests, the organisms used for the acute Daphnia magna assay have to be obtained from live stocks which are cultured in the laboratory on live food (micro-algae). The technical and biological problems inherent in year-round culturing and the culturing/maintenance costs of live stocks restricts its application to a limited number of highly specialized laboratories. This bottleneck in toxicity testing triggered investigations forward the concept of "microbiotests" or "small-scale" toxicity tests. This paper deals with the measurement of changes in the behavior of Daphniae using device BIOTOXINOMER, awarded by Ministry for Science and Technological Development of Republic Serbia with Diploma for best Innovation idea in year 2010 in category Medicine, Health, and Ecology. Actually, the main topic is digitalization of bio-monitoring results and random number generating on the base of Daphniae movement (distance). The on-line monitoring is available on site www.dundjer.co.rs/Daphniae and open-source software support is available on the same site.
Key words: Bio-sensoring, Water quality, Random number generator.

Jedan od najčešće korišćenih indikatora prisustva hemijskih i toksičnih materia u vodi je standardni test pomoću vodenih račića Dafnija (Daphnia Pullex ili Daphnia Magna). Standardne metode su razvijene i neprekidno se usavršavaju od strane nacionalnih i medjunarodnih organizacija koje se bave procedurama testova toksičnosti, posebno njihovom primenom u regulatornim (zakonskim) okvirima. Kao i za sve testove toksičnosti, organizmi koji se koriste za Dafnija test moraju se obezbediti iz laboratorijski odgajenih kultura, hranjenih živom hranom (mikro-alge).Tehnički i biološki problemi koji proizilaze iz godišnjeg ciklusa gajenja Dafnija i troškovi gajenja/održavanja živih organizama ograničavaju primenu ovog testa na ograničen broj viskoko specijalizovanih laboratorija. To usko grlo u testiranju toksičnosti pospešilo je istraživanja ka konceptu "mikrobiotestova" ili "small-scale" testova toksičnosti. Ovaj rad se bavi merenjem promena ponašanja Dafnija koristeći uredjaj BIOTOKSINOMER, nagradjen od strane Ministarstva za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije Diplomom za najbolju inovativnu ideju u 2010. godini u kategoriji Medicina, zdravlje i ekologija. Glavna tema rada je digitalizacija rezultata bio-monitoringa i generisanje slučajnih brojeva na osnovu kretanja Dafnija. On-line praćenje ponašanja Dafnija je omogućeno na sajtu www.dundjer.co.rs/Daphniae i open-source softverska podrška je raspoloživa na istom sajtu.
Ključne reči: bio-senzori,merenje kvaliteta vode, generator slučajnih brojeva