Vol.10, No 3, 2012 pp. 301 - 314
UDC 556.14:556.3:519.87=111
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE1203301D

Vesna Đukić1, Vladislava Mihailović2
1University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Ecological Engineering for Soil and Water Resources Protection, Serbia
E-mail: vesna.djukic@sfb.bg.ac.rs
2University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Wood Processing, Serbia

During the drought the flow in streams is reduced and is dominated by base flow. Baseflows are characteristic of low flow periods and provide information on available water resources in the basin during the drought, particularly on the aquifer and retention basin characteristics. This paper deals with the possibility of analysis and simulation of baseflow, and the determination of the pattern of its changes based on the total registered streamflow hydrograph at the catchment outlet. The basis for modeling the base flow changes in the time were base flow values obtained from the streamflow hydrograph by application of the graphical local minimum method. Applying the simulation model developed in this study, simulations of base flow hydrographs were performed for three characteristic years (1970, 1985, and 1990). It was shown that discrepancies between values of the base flows obtained through application of the local minimum method and the model are within the limits of tolerance.
Key words: base flow, modelling, the local minimum method, the curve of concentration, recession curve.

U toku suša proticaj na vodotocima je smanjen, i dominira bazni proticaj. Bazni oticaji su karakteristični za malovodne periode i pružaju informacije o raspoloživim vodnim resursima u slivu u toku suše, posebno o osobinama akvifera i retenzionim karakteristikama sliva. Ovaj rad se bavi mogućnošću analize i simulacije komponente baznog oticaja, kao i determinisanjem zakonitosti u njegovim promenama, do kojih se može doći analizom registrovanih hidrograma ukupnog oticaja u dužem vremenskom periodu. Osnova za modeliranje promena baznih oticaja u toku vremena bile su vrednosti baznih oticaja dobijene iz hidrograma ukupnih oticaja primenom grafičke metode lokalnih minimuma. Primenom formiranog modela urađene su simulacije hidrograma baznog oticaja tokom tri karakteristicne godine (kišne -1970., prosečne – 1985. i sušne – 1990) i pokazano je da su odstupanja u odnosu na vrednosti baznih proticaja dobijenih primenom metode lokalnih minimuma u granicama dozvoljenih.
Ključne reči: bazni proticaji, modeliranje, metoda lokalnih minimuma, kriva koncentracije, recesiona kriva