Vol.10, No 1, 2012 pp. 33 - 42
UDC 711.4.01:72.012.6=111
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE1201033C

Nikola Cekić, Miloš Dačić, Aleksandra Kostić
University of Niš, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Serbia
E-mail: ncekic@yahoo.com
Rapid development of electronic technologies at the beginning of this century resulted in intensive changes in urbarchitectonic formation of façade planes and physical structures. Advent of LED lights and LED panels made possible that the physical structures in urban agglomerations worldwide, old or new, have opened a new chapter for strategic urbarchitectonic design and different cultural illumination diversity of houses in space. The user relationship towards activities in physical environment, exterior and interior has been changed, and new visual-esthetic living style has been established, a new and more dynamic form of social communication behavior towards the identity of a place and total evaluation of environment characteristics. A new orientation in ivisual and functional creation of urbarchitectonic forms was born, in redefining of a concept of culture of walls, culture of house facades and in general of facade planes, whose life is active not only during daytime by around the clock.
Key words: LED panels, facade, urbarchitecture, strategic design, visual esthetics.

Nagli razvoj elektronskih tehnologija početkom ovog veka uticao je na snažne promene u urbarhitektonskom oblikovanju fasadnih ravni fizičkih struktura. Prodor LED svetiljki i LED panela učinili su da fizičke strukture u urbanim aglomeracijama širom sveta, bile one stare ili nove, otvore poglavlje za strateški urbarhitektonski dizajn i drugačiju kulturnu svetlosnu raznolikost kuća u prostoru. Promenjen je odnos korisnika prema aktivnostima u fizičkoj sredini, eksterijernoj i enterijernoj, uspostavljen je novi vizuelno-estetski stil života, novi dinamičniji socijalno-komunikacijski oblik ponašanja prema identitetu mesta i ukupnom vrednovanju karakteristika prostornog okruženja. Nastala je nova orijentacija u likovnom i funkcionalnom stvaranju urbarhitektonskih formi, u redefinisanju pojma kulture zida, kulture fasada kuća, i uopšte fasadnih ravni, čiji je život aktivan ne samo u toku dana, već 24 časa.
Ključne reči: LED paneli, fasada, urbarhitektura, strateški dizajn, vizuelna estetika