Vol.9, No 3, 2011 pp. 395 - 405
UDC 624:519.711:552.1=111
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE1103395A

Vladimir Anđelković, Žarko Lazarević, Velimir Nedović
Institute for the Development of Water Resources "Jaroslav Černi", Belgrade, Serbia
E-mail: headoffice@jcerni.co.rs
The paper describes the results of making the mathematical and physical models of the authors, by using analogous methods and materials. There is the mathematical rock mass deformability model as a base for foundation engineering a concrete arch dam and the physical rock slope model which was tested by loading until failure and the results were compared with the calculation procedure. In the first example the correlation is established between the static and the analogous dynamic in situ investigations for creating the mathematical rock mass deformability model. In the second example there is application of the analogous materials for the discontinuity shearing simulation on the physical slope model. The results of the geotechnical in situ investigations and laboratory testing carried out in the Institute for Development of Water Resources "Jaroslav Cerni" in Belgrade were used for making the models.
Key words: analogous model, rock mass deformability, deformation modulus, rock slope model, stress, shear displacement, loading.

U radu su dati rezultati izrade matematičkih i fizičkih modela autora, dobijenih korišćenjem analognih metoda i materijala. Prikazan je matematički model deformabilnosti stenske mase kao podloge za fundiranje lučne betonske brane i fizički model stenske kosine na kome su izvršeni ogledi opterećivanja do loma i rezultati upoređeni sa računskim postupkom. U prvom primeru uspostavljena je korelaciona veza između statičkih i analognih dinamičkih ispitivanja in situ za dobijanje matematičkog modela deformabilnosti stenske mase. U drugom primeru pokazana je primena analognih materijala za simulaciju smicanja po pukotinama na fizičkom modelu kosine. Za izradu modela korišćeni su rezultati geotehničkih ispitivanja in situ i laboratorijskih ispitivanja izvršenih u Institutu za vodoprivredu "Jaroslav Černi u Beogradu.
Ključne reči: analogni model, deformabilnost stenske mase, moduo deformacije, model stenske kosine, napon, smičuće pomeranje, opterećenje