Vol.9, No 2, 2011 pp. 315 - 323
UDC 711.4.01:72.017:551.58=111
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE1102315V

Dragana Vasiljević Tomić*, Igor Marić
Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Serbia
E-mail: *draganavt@arh.bg.ac.rs
The phenomenon of colour is examined through the evolution of colour and development of culture of colour, principles of nature-climate characteristics which significantly affects the colouristic priorities of people and the colour of the city itself. The terms functional colour and climate of colour are also considered, as some of the most important characteristics of architectural and urban design practice. The role of the urban public space in functioning of the city is defined through the essential characteristics of urban public space, which are cultural identity, nature, climate characteristics physical structure and its function. The complexity of colouristic attributes of the urban public space is conditioned by the basic characteristics: colouristic priorities, harmony of coloured spatial structures and materials in designing the polychrome ambient in the city. The factors that shape the colouristic ambient of the city are: characteristics of nature and climate, interrelations of colour and shape, as well as the experience of the form of the urban public space while preserving its identity. Upon the newly formed principles, the transformed model of the urban public space as a polychrome ambient is built.
Key words: colour, polychrome, culture, nature-climate characteristics, space.

Fenomen boje ispitan je kroz evoluciju boje i razvoj kolorističke kulture, koja značajno utiče na kolorističke prioritete ljudi i samu koloristiku grada. Termini funkcionalna boja i klima boje takođe su razmatrani kao jedni od najbitnijih odlika arhitektonske i zrbanističke prakse. Uloga javnog gradskog prostora u funkcionisanju grada definisana je osnovnim karakteristikama javnog gradskog prostora: kulturnim identitetom, prirodno-klimatskim karakteristikama i fizičkom strukturom i njenom funkcijom. Kompleksnost kolorističkih odlika javnog gradskog prostora uslovljena je osnovnim karakteristikama: kolorističkim prioritetima, harmonijom bojenih prostornih struktura i materijala u projektovanju polihromnih ambijenata u gradu. Formirani su novi prncipi na kojima je izgrađen transformisani model javnog gradskog prostora kao polihromnog ambijenta.
Ključne reči: boja, polihromija, kultura, prirodno-klimatske karakteristike, prostor