Vol.9, No 2, 2011 pp. 241 - 259
UDC 624.012.36:519.6=111
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE1102241F

Radomir Folić1*, Damir Zenunović2, Nesib Rešidbegović2
1Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Serbia
2Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
E-mail: *folic@uns.ac.rs
The available experimental and numerical results of many studies of behavior of reinforced concrete connections for different stages of loading, up to fracture loading, are presented and analyzed in this paper. The problem of beam-column connection (or plate-wall connection) in prefabricated monolithic structures is emphasized. Fracture mechanisms of RC structures, the theoretical basis for their analysis, and the use of fracture mechanics in RC structures were also considered, as well as the mathematical models of prefabricated connections. In order to formulate an adequate mathematical model for calculating the connections, the dominant parameters influencing the behaviour of these connections were analyzed. A failure model for the prefabricated wall – monolithic RC plate connection was formulated. In building the model, the results of implemented experimental and numerical research of prefabricated connection in the MMS system from 2007 were used. Experiences with the implementation of the aforementioned construction system in structures in Tuzla, in the 1980's last century, were additionally used. The proposed mathematical models provide a sufficiently accurate failure assessment of prefabricated reinforced concrete connections.
Key words: reinforced concrete prefabricated connections, experimental and numerical research, reliability, failure mechanism, mathematical model.

Dostupni eksperimentalni i numerički rezultati mnogih istraživanja ponašanja armiranobetonskih spojeva za različite nivoe opterećenja, sve do opterećenja loma, prezentirani su i analizirani u ovom radu. Istaknut je i problem spojeva greda-stub (ili ploča-zid) u momtažno - monolitnim konstrukcijama. Teoretske osnove za analizu mehanizama loma u AB konstrukcijama i korišćenje mehanike loma pri tome sažeto su prikazana. Razmatrani su neki matematički modeli za opisivanje ponašanja karakterističnih montažnih veza. Da bi se formulisao adekvatan matematički model za proračun spojeva analizirani su dominantni parametri koji utiču na ponašanje tih spojeva. Formulisan je otkaz spoja montažnog zida – monolitne AB ploče. Kod formiranja modela korišćeni su rezultati sprovedenih eksperimentalnih i numeričkih istraživanja montažne veze MMS sistema iz 2007. godine. Takođe su korišćena iskustva u implementaciji prethodno spomenutog sistema gradnje u Tuzli iz 1980-ih godina prošlog veka. Predloženi matematički modeli pružaju dovoljno tačne procene nosivosti montažnih armiranobetonskih spojeva.
Ključne reči: armiranobetonski montažni spojevi, eksperimentalna i numerička istraživanja, pouzdanost, mehanizam otkaza, matematički model