Vol.9, No 1, 2011 pp. 35 - 56
UDC 72+692.4:691.2=111
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE1101035D

Gergely Dobszay
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Building Constructions
Stone roof coverings have existed for hundreds of years now, but their application in contemporary representative architecture is quite different than it was in former times, and accordingly the underlying constructional details are much more complicated. The main role of the roof in today's architecture is to emphasize the abstract building volume and its homogeneity. The design (visual appearance) has priority over constructional considerations, while at the same time requirements for thermal insulation and the watertight buildup of the building envelope are rising. This is a big challenge for the design of the constructional details, since traditional methods do not apply anymore: almost all of the water gets under this exterior cladding where a completely waterproof underlayer is needed. Therefore a new type of constructions is borne. In this article I try to present innovative constructional alternatives for stone cladded roofs and try to define guidelines for their planning. These alternatives were created and refined based on analysis of historical and contemporary examples, the examination of the specific conditions and requirements that affect cladded roofs, their expected performance over their life-span, the difficulties that arise under construction and my work experience. I created seven groups, according to the method for fixing the individual stone elements, since this is the detail that most affects the buildup of the underlying structure. A new approach is needed with these unconventional constructions, with a much more detailed inventory of every little feature of the building in question. But since these features vary violently with the architectural conception the exact constructional solutions are usually unique as well.
Key words: stone cladding, roof, contemporary architecture, waterproofing.

Krovni pokrivači od kamena postoje već stotinama godina, ali njihova primena u modernoj arhitekturi se potpuno razlikuje od one u prošlosti, i shodno tome konstruktivni detalji su mnogo komplikovaniji. Glavna uloga krova u današnjoj arhitekturi je da naglasi apstraktni gabarit objekta i njegovu homogenost. Vizuelno ima prioritet nad konstruktivnim, ali se u isto vreme povećavaju zahtevi za toplotnom izolacijom i vodonepropusnošću omotača zgrade. To je veliki izazov za projektovanje konstruktivnih detalja, jer se tradicionalne metode više ne mogu koristiti: sva voda prodire kroz ovaj spoljni omotač, tako da je ispod njega potrebno konstruisati apsolutno vodonepropustan sloj. Stoga je rođen nov tip konstrukcije. U ovom radu, nastojim da iznesem inovativne konstruktivne alternative krovovima sa pokrivačima od kamena i da definišem smernice za njihovo planiranje. Ova alternativna rešenja su bila stvorena i doterana na osnovu analize istorijskih i savremenih uzora, na osnovu ispitivanja specifičnih uslova i zahteva koji utiču na ove krovove, njihovog učinka tokom radnog veka, teškoća koje se javljaju kod izgradnje i mog radnog iskustva. Podelio sam ih u sedam grupa, prema načinu pričvršćivanja pojedinačnih elemenata od kamena, jer ovaj detalj najviše utiče na konstrukciju strukture ispod nje. Potreban je novi pristup kod ovih nekonvencionalnih konstrukcija, sa mnogo detaljnijim inventarom svih karakteristika predmetne zgrade. Ali budući da ove karakteristike veoma variraju u zavisnosti od arhitektonskog koncepta, konkretna konstruktivna rešenja su obično jedinstvena.
Ključne reči: kameni pokrivači, krov, savremena arhitektura, hidroizolacija