Vol.8, No 4, 2010 pp. 425 - 439
UDC 72.011.1:711.41(045)=111
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE1004425A

Rifat Alihodžić1, Nadja Kurtović-Folić2
1University of Podgorica, The Faculty of Architecture, Montenegro
2University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Serbia
E-mail: arhing_ar@t-com.me
Perception of an architectural form is not a unilateral act which has been often and unduly identified with mechanicistic captures of a camera. In understanding architectural composition and the way it influences our perception and memory, the knowledge regarding the field of psychology of perception and the analysis of principles of its use in architecture proved to be highly important. Instinctive understanding of perceptual processes and of laws according which our visual apparatus and memory are influenced by the architectural form and space is something that cannot be avoided. These are the operating principles of the so called "ordinary" observer; and this is an important insight for architecture as a visual discipline, which has been often neglected. As a significant addition to intuition and experience, the creative work of architects is supported by the insights on perceptual and cognitive processes which have been revealed by the psychology of perception.
Key words: composition (architectural), form (architectural), gestalt (psychology), perception, structure.

Opažanje arhitektonske forme nije jednostran čin, koji se često i neopravdano identifikuje sa mehanicističkim predstavama fotografskog aparata. U razumevanju arhitektonske kompozicije i njenog uticaja na naše opažanje i pamćenje, pokazalo su se veoma važnim poznavanje dostignuća u oblasti psihologije opažanja i analiza principa usmerenih na primenu u arhitekturi. Instiktivno shvatanje perceptivnih procesa i zakonitosti prema kojima deluje arhitektonska forma i prostor na naš vizuelni aparat i memoriju su nešto što se ne može izbeći. Po tim principima funkcioniše tako zvani „običan“ posmatrač, a to je za arhitekturu kao vizuelnu disciplinu, što se često zapostavlja, važna spoznaja. Saznanje o perceptivnim i kognitivnim procesima do kojih je došla psihologija opažanja doprinosi arhitektima u njihovom stvaralačkom radu, kao značajna dopuna intuiciji i stečenom iskustvu.
Ključne reči: kompozicija (arhitektonska), forma (arhitektonska), geštalt (psihologija), percepcpcija, struktura