Vol.8, No 3, 2010 pp. 277 - 291
UDC 72.011.1:7.033.1/.2(082.2)=111
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE1003277M

Predrag Milošević
The Union University, The Faculty of Construction Management Architectonic division, Serbia
E-mail: pmilosevic@eunet.rs
There are many models in the entire history of architecture which have travelled across the world, from one to another part of the big world. For various reasons, very frequently not at all scientific or professional, in our part of the world, be it Serbian or Yugoslav, or south Slav, some like to remain silent, when it comes to the transition of a Byzantine model, which by nature is rooted in the Orthodox Christian faith at the south east of Europe and the outmost west of Asia, to their areas, pervaded to a great extent by the Roman Catholic Christian belief, or Islam. There are numerous evidences of the transition of a model, one of many which found their new home on the west-European soil after the fall of Byzantium, mostly after the Crusades, when looters, but also scientists and artists in Italy, came by new wealth, and new knowledge, in the capital of the fallen Empire, observing its magnificent edifices, and taking its parts to their boats and shipping them to Venice and other cities in Italy and placing them on their buildings and squares, as they have done with the columns of the Augusteion of Constantinople, the square dedicated to Justinian's mother Augusta, which now decorate the square near the famous Venetian church of Saint Marco. Some other, also numerous accounts, explain how the Ottoman Turkish architecture in almost the same way, adopted its mosque construction model at the same place, in the same manner, retaining the actual structures but changing the religious insignia, or by copying this Byzantine model in building the new mosques.
Key words: Early Christianity, Byzantium, documents, theory of architecture.

Mnogo je obrazaca koji su u celokupnoj povesti arhitekture prelazili sa jedne na drugu stranu, iz jednog u drugi deo velikog nam sveta. Iz različitih razloga, vrlo često nimalo naučnih i stručnih, u našem delu sveta, srpskom ili jugoslovenskom, ili južnoslovenskom, ponegde neki jako vole da ćute kada se radi o prenosu jednog, vizantijskog obrasca, po njegovoj prirodi utemeljenog u pravoslavnoj hrišćanskoj veri na jugoistoku Evrope i krajwem zapadu Azije, a ka danas njihovim predelima, natopqenim u velikoj meri rimokatoličkom hrišćanskom verom, odnosno islamom. Mnogo je dokaza o prenosu jednog obrasca, jednog od mnogih koji su posle Vizantije svoje novo tle pronašli na evropskom zapadu, uglavnom po završetku Krstaških ratova, kada su pljačkaši, ali i naučnici i umetnici u Italiji, došli do novih blaga i do novih spoznaja, na licu mesta, uglavnom u glavnom gradu tog Carstva, posmatrajući njegove velelepne grđevine, uzimajući čak njihove delove na svoje brodove kako bi ih prevezli do Venecije i drugih italijanskih gradova i tamo postavili na svoja zdanja i trgove, kao što su uradili sa stubovima konstantinopoljskog Avgustejona, trga posvećenog Justinijanovoj majci Avgusti, stubovima koji sada krase trg uz poznatu venecijansku crkvu Svetog Marka. Neke druge priče, kojih takođe mnogo ima, lako objašnjavaju kako je, recimo, osmanska turska arhitektura svoj obrazac u gradnji džamija preuzela na istom mestu, na gotovo isti način, zadravajući same građevine i samo im menjajući verska određenja, ili pak gradeći nove, ali u potpunosti po istom ovom vizantijskom obrascu.
Ključne reči: rano hrišćanstvo, Vizantija, spisi, teorija arhitekture