Vol.8, No 1, 2010 pp. 13 - 21
UDC 666.943:691.322(045)=111
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE1001013T

Stefania Tomasiello12, Matteo Felitti2
1Faculty of Engineering, University of Basilicata, C.da Macchia Romana, Potenza, Italy
2R&D Lab, INPES S.p.A. (Precast Concrete Company), Zona industriale, Tito scalo (PZ),Italy
E-mail: tomasiello@unibas.it, matteo.felitti@inpes.it

Self-compacting concrete (SCC) captures a growing interest because of its several advantages in technical, economic and environmental terms. Especially the attention for the environmental aspects moves the research towards recycling industrial by-products, as fly ash and steel slag. In particular, there are few experimental works about the use of EAF slag in SCC. This paper summarizes the first results of an ongoing experimental work to investigate the use of EAF slag in SCC as medium aggregate.
Key words: self-compacting concretes, EAF slag, medium/coarse aggregates,compressive strength.

Samougrađujući beton (SCC)postaje sve interesantniji zbog nekoliko prednosti u tehničkom,ekonomskom i ekološkom pogledu. Posebna pažnja posvećena na aspektu životne sredine pokrećeistraživanja u pravcu reciklaže industrijskih otpadnih proizvoda kao što je leteći pepeo i šljaka čelika. Konkretno, postoji nekoliko eksperimenata o upotrebi EAF šljake u SCC. Ovaj rad sumira prve rezultate tekućeg eksperimentalnog rada koji istražuje upotrebu EAF šljake u SCC kao aterijala agregata srednje veličine.
Ključne reči: samougrađujući beton, EAF šljaka, srednje/krupan agregat, čvrstoća na pritisak