Vol.7, No 1, 2009 pp. 57 - 64
UDC 65.012.3:624+69(45)
DOI: 10.2298/FUACE0901057S

Ivan Stanković1, Milan Gocić2, Slaviša Trajković3
1Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Serbia
2College of Applied Vocational Studies, Vranje, Serbia E-mail: mgocic@yahoo.com
3Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Niš, Serbia

Forming of science and technology parks is followed by the establishment of the appropriate building infrastructure that will form the park basis, as well as accompanying infrastructure facilities in which the professional staff would live and spend their time, and thus create the environment to live and work in. The science and technology park is the term which is used to describe various attempts to encourage the development of entrepreneurship through the establishment of knowledge-based small and medium-sized enterprises. The main goal of science and technology parks is joining the economic and intellectual resources in the region in which the park is established in one unit, in order to improve and enhance the existing companies’ business conditions and to concentrate knowledge in one place. For this type of organization it is necessary to choose the area where the park will be built and determine the function of the complex of buildings to ensure the work of the scientists and research workers. In this paper the general conditions, which are required so that the management of the organization that founds the park would achieve the successful results, will be shown. It will present the conditions which are concerned with the necessary human, technological and infrastructural resources for the establishment of science and technology park on one territory, appropriate examples in the world and the beginning of the process of forming the science and technology park in Nis.
Key words: Science and technology park, civil engineering, human resources

Formiranje naučno tehnoloških parkova obavezno prati i formiranje odgovarajuće građevinske infrastrukture koja će činiti osnovu parka kao i pratećih infrastrukturnih objekata u kome će stručni kadar zapošljen u parku živeti i provoditi vreme stvarajući tako jednu životnu radnu sredinu. Naučno tehnološki park predstavlja pojam, koji se koristi da opiše raznovrsne pokušaje da se podstakne razvoj preduzetništva putem osnivanja na znanju zasnovanih malih i srednjih preduzeća. Osnovni cilj osnivanja naučno tehnoloških parkova je objedinjavanje privrednih i intelektualnih resursa u regionu u kome se osniva park u jednu celinu, kako bi se poboljšali i unapredili trenutni uslovi poslovanja kompanija i znanje skoncentrisalo na jednom mestu. Za ovakav vid organizovanja potrebno je odrediti prostor na kome će park biti izgrađen kao i funkcionalno opredeliti građevinske celine za nesmetan rad naučno istraživačkog kadra. U ovom radu biće prikazani opšti uslovi potrebni da bi menadžement organizacije koji osniva park imao uspešne rezultate. Prikazaćemo uslove koji govore o potrebnim ljudskim, tehnološkim i infrastrukturnim resursima za osnivanje naučno tehnološkog parka na nekoj teritoriji, adekvatne primere u svetu i početak procesa formiranja naučno tehnološkog parka u Nišu.
Ključne reči: naučno tehnološki park, građevinsko inženjerstvo, ljudski resursi.