Vol. 6, No 2, 2008 pp. 249 - 257
UDC 504.54+504.7+504.062 SICEVO GORGE (497.11)(045)=111
Jelena Velev, Petar Mitković, Milena Dinić, Ivana Bogdanović
University of Niš, The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Serbia Chair of Spatial and Town Planning
E-mail: velev@medianis.net

Abstract. The goal of this paper is to test the topical and possible application of sustainable development principles in the protected areas. The sustainable development is observed as a goal and the flexible mechanism for reaching the consensus set by the fundamental postulates of the Agenda 21, among all the relevant factors in the decision making and enforcement of regulations. It is unquestionable that the spatial planning possesses the necessary integrative potentials for management of changes, long term time horizon and the catalytic position in reconciliation of public, social and private interest. The road towards sustainability is a long and complex process, because it requires the change of the way of thinking and behavior of all the social factors, that is, establishment of the understanding the environmental effect of the development is as important as the economic one. The main guidelines of this reconciliation must be the vision and the aims of preservation of natural resources, but not as the ultimate requirement of the authorities, but as the argument-supported and articulated public interest.
This paper refers to the Spatial plan of the special area of Sicevo gorge through the review of basic regimes of natural resources protection, restrictions and prohibitions. It also pays attention to the measures which will allow to achive sustainablity of development as well as apply protocteive regimes.
Key words:  protected area, natural resources, sustainable development

Cilj ovog rada je da isproba aktuelne i moguće primene principa održivog razvoja na zaštićenim područjima. Održivi razvoj je posmatran kao cilj i fleksibilni mehanizam za dostizanje konsenzusa postavljenih osnovnim postulatima Agende 21, između svih relevantnih aktera u procesu odlučivanja i sprovođenja regulativa. Nesumljivo je da prostorno planiranje poseduje neophodne integrativne potencijale za upravljanje promenama, dugoročni vremenski horizont i poziciju katalizatora za usklađivanje javnog, društvenog i privatnog interesa. Put ka održivosti je složen i dugotrajan proces, jer zahteva promenu mišljenja i ponašanja svih društvenih aktera, odnosno shvatanja da je ekološki učinak razvoja jednako važan kao i ekonomski. Osnovni reperi usklađivanja moraju biti vizija i ciljevi očuvanja prirodnih vrednosti i resursa, ali ne kao ultimativni zahtev nosilaca moći, već kao argumentovan i artikulisan javni interes.
Ovaj rad daje osvrt na PPPPN Sićevačka klisura, kroz pregled osnovnih režime zaštite prirodnih dobara, iskazivanje restrikcija i zabrana, traženje mera održivosti razvoja i primene zaštitnih režima.