Vol. 6, No 2, 2008 pp. 243 - 248
UDC 711.42+72.01(045)=111
Nikola Cekić
University of Niš, The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Serbia

Abstract. The crisis in ecorurbarchitecture of modern times is reflected in the large number of superficially conceived villages and towns, houses, streets and plazas, lacking the artistic contents, as well as the coloration synchronized with the natural structures in the environment. Creators of the architecture failed to see the color as the fourth dimension, even though it was at hand. The failed to understand its role as a primarily multidisciplinary issue of awareness, culture, tradition, human customs, their ethnic and historical understanding of the artifact-nature relation, and its role as a corrective procedure to improve the living conditions in the habitations and its role in unifying of ecorurbarchitectonic values in the vision of art. The creators also failed to convince the future users to comprehend that village and city, different as they are, have noticeably drawn closer in terms of art.
The aim of this paper is to pose the crucial questions concerning the new ecorurbarchitectonic coloration, which may improve the state of physical structures in space.
Key words:  ecorurbarchitectonic coloration, aesthetic balance of space, neglected visuality, spiritual identity, iconology of colors

Kriza u ekorurbarhitekturi novog vremena sagledava se kroz veliki broj površno osmišljenih sela i gradova, kuća, ulica i pjaceta, sa malo umetničkih iskaza i premalo kolorita, uskalađenog sa prirodnim strukturama u okruženju. Stvaraoci nisu uspeli da vide boju kao četvrtu dimenziju, iako je bila na dohvat ruke. Nisu razumeli njeno učešće kao prvenstveno multidisciplinarno pitanje svesti, kulture, tradicije, običaja ljudi, njihovog etnosa i istorijskog razumevanja relacije artefakt-priroda, važan korekturni faktor poboljšavanja uslova življenja u staništima, težnju ka jedinstvu ekorurbarhitektonskih vrednosti u viziji umetnosti. Niti su ubedili buduće korisnike da shvate kako su im se selo i grad, sa svim različitostima koje nose, primetno umetnički približili!
Ovaj rad ima za cilj da otvori ključna pitanja koja tangiraju novi ekorurbarhitektonski kolorit sa kojim se stanje fizičkih struktura u prostoru može popraviti.