Vol. 6, No 2, 2008
pp. 155 - 164
UDC 624.072.2:624.012.45/.46:534.17(045)=111
Zsolt Huszár
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Department of Structures
1111 Budapest Bertalan Lajos utca 2
Email: huszar@vbt.bme.hu
Abstract. The dynamic behaviour of bent reinforced
concrete beams in elastic range is significantly influenced by cracks caused
by former loads. Considering this fact a more accurate calculation of the
eigenfrequencies of the beams is available. Experiments have shown that
the features of vibration differ from the results obtained by the well-known
linear model, if cracked zones exist. The cause of this phenomenon is that
the bending rigidity of the cross-sections in the cracked range depends
on the sign of the actual bending moment. Therefore the vibration shows
non-linear characteristics in the elastic range as well.
The dynamic behaviour of bent prestressed concrete
beams is similar. The dynamic characteristics of prestressed beams besides
cracks is influenced also by the intensity and eccentricity of the axial
For a detailed investigation of the problem,
experiments and non-linear analysis were performed. On the basis of these
the virtual eigenfrequencies of the non-linear vibrations were determined.
Key words: Vibrations, Prestressed
Concrete, Beam
Prsline nastale usled prethodnog opterećenja imaju
značajan uticaj na dinamičko ponašanje savijenih armiranobetonskih greda
u elastičnoj oblasti. S obzirom na tu činjenicu, postoje više
tačnih proračuna za sopstvene frekvencije grede. Eksperimentom se pokazuje
da se vibracije razlikuju od dobro poznatog modela, ako postoji zona prslina.
Uzrok ovog fenomena leži u tome da krutost na savijanje preseka u zoni
prslina, zavisi od
znaka momenta svijanja. Stoga vibracije takođepokazuju
nelinearnu karakteristiku u elastičnoj oblasti. Dinamičko ponašanje
savijenih prethodnonapregnutih greda je slično. Osim uticaja prslina na
dinamičke karakteristike prethodnonapregnutih greda, postoje još i uticaj
inteziteta opterećenja i ekscentričnost aksijalne sile.
U cilju detaljnijeg istraživanja problema urađen
je eksperiment i nelinearna analiza. Na njihovoj osnovi je određena virtualna
sopstvena frekvencija nelinearnih vibracija.