Vol. 4, No 1, 2006 pp. 25 - 39
UDC 728.6(045)=20
Branko AJ Turnšek
University of Niš, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Serbia

Abstract. Kunovica, is a typical mountain village, with large house density, and is situated on the slopes around the Kunovica river, surrounded by silence and tranquality of intact nature. It is the village of contrasts: on one hand there  is the beautiful nature, great  natural conditions for raising cattle, and on the other hand it is a village with only a small number of mostly elderly people (101 inhabitants), few infrastructural systems and buildings, it is  far from the main roads (although it used to be near them) which very weak in  economical  terms. The most important problem faced by this village, as well asby  the other villages in this area, is the  depopulation i.e. the migrations.
This paper analyses the present situation of the sustenance elements on the level of the village, and of the relevant representative sample of the households employing the previously defined parameters. By definition, natural, economic, human and spatial resources analyzed in this way can describe present situation, its causes and consequences, but they also can define the level of sustenance, the capacities and the ways of its possible development. The obtained  results and conclusions made were used as the basis for recognizing the further development and  transformation of a village household, and particulary the transformationt of the farmyard as the spatial household frame and place where all these processes are taking place.
Key words:  condition of households, sustainable development, rural architecture

Kunovica, tipično planinsko selo, zbijenog tipa, položeno na obroncima oko Kunovičke reke, okruženo tišinom i mirom kakvim može da podari samo nedirnuta priroda, živi isti takav život. Selo kontrasta, prirode, koja je svojom lepotom nesebično obdarila ove prostore, znatnih zemljišnih resursa, prirodnih pogodnosti i uslova za bavljenje stočarstvom, ali i selo sa malo ljudi (101 žitelj), uglavnom starijih, sa slabom opremljenošću infrastrukturim sistemima i objektima, povučeno u odnosu na putne pravce (mada nije uvek bilo tako) i slabe ekonomske moći. Suštinski problem ovog sela, ali i ostalih seoskih naselja na ovom području je depopulacija prostora, odnosno migracioni procesi okrenuti ka spolja.
U radu je analizirano sadašnje stanje elemenata održivosti na nivou sela, a potom i na relevantnom reprezentativnom uzorku domaćinstava, preko unapred definisanih parametara. Po definiciji ovako sagledani prirodni, ekonomski, ljudski i prostorni resursi, opisuju sadašnji trenutak, uzroke i posledice, ali i definišu stepen održivosti,  kapacitete i pravce mogućeg razvoja. Dobijeni rezulatati i izvedeni zaključci su poslužili kao osnova za sagledavanje daljeg razvoja i transformacije sela, domaćinstva, odnosno dvorišta kao prostornog okvira domaćinstva i mesta na kome se ovi procesi odvijaju.