Vol. 4, No 1, 2006 pp. 19 - 23
UDC 711.42:504(045)=20
Nikola Cekić
University of Niš, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Serbia

Abstract. This paper points out an extremely delicate urbarchitectonic-environemental drama, with innumerable global complex situations. There seems to be little hope for imporvement in the actual livng environemnt where the condition, in the developmental sense of the term, grows less and less sustainable. Very frequent conferences organized at all quarters of the world, with important declarations and recommendation do not manage to curb the increasingly evident crisis.
The author points out to the need to create new action conditions in the Balkans and argues for the creation of a singular, coordinated, environemental Atlas of the Balkans, an important document, with bases of key data, so that a better quality of life in micro and macro ambience units could be achieved. Therefore, striving for a different, new reality which will not be based on the declarative principles, but on the scientific research and academic education.
Key words:  urbarchitectonic-environemental drama, environemental Atlas, new reality, scientific research

U ovom radu ukazuje se na izuzetno delikatnu urbarhitektonsko-ekološku dramu, sa bezbroj složenih situacija u kojima se globalni svet našao. Izgleda da ima malo nade za poboljšanje u konkretnim životnim sredinama gde stanje, u razvojnom smislu, postaje sve manje održivo. Ni vrlo česte konferencije na svim meridijanima sveta za značajnim deklaracijama i preporukama ne uspevaju da preusmere sve evidentniju krizu.
Autor ukazuje na potrebu stvaranja novih uslova delovanja u balkanskim prostorima i zalaže se izradu jedinstvenog, koordinisanog, ekološkog Balkanskog atlasa, važnog dokumenta, sa bazama ključnih podataka, kako bi se postigao bolji kvalitet života u mikro i makro ambijentalnim celinama. Dakle, nastojanje za drugačiju, novu realnost koja neće biti zasnovana samo na deklarativnim principima, već utemeljena na scientističkim istraživanjima i akademskoj edukaciji.