Vol.3, No 1, 2004 pp. 33-39
UDC 625.85:551.524(045)=20
Branko Mazić
University of Sarajevo, Civil Engineering Faculty, Republic of BiH

Abstract. In this paper are exposed research results of air freezing index values occurring in area of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Theoretic probabilities of air freezing index occurrence are calculated, based on data of 26 meteorologic stations, in order to deterimine its return periods of appearing (the probability of air freezing index appearance average once in period considered). To this purpose five the most frequent in praxis theoretic distribution functions are used: GAUSS, GALTON, LOG-PEARSON, PEARSON and GUMBEL. As the most appropriate function for all meteorogic stations the LOG-PEARSON was sellected because it on the best way approximates values of calculated air freezing index.
Regarding to influence of micro location on the value of air freezing index some independent parameters of location, which are measurable (variables) and have supposed influence, are took in analysis. To this purpose the mathematic model of multi variant regression analysis was used and the regression equation of the associated influence of independent parameters was determined. Using this discovered equation, designers of road pavement can for each micro-location cutted by the road line, calculate the air freezing index and check the pavement structure on the harmful freezing effects.
Key words: negative air temperature, air freezing index, micro location.

U ovom radu izloženo je istraživanje veličine pojave indeksa mraza zraka na teritoriji BiH. Sračunate su teoretske vjerovatnoće pojave indeksa mraza zraka na 26 obrađivanih meteoroloških snanica, sa ciljem da se definišu njihovi povratni periodi javljanja (vjerovatnoća pojave prosječno jedanput u razmatranom periodu). Za ovu analizu korišteno je pet najčešće u praksi teoretskih funkcija raspodjele: GAUS, GALTON, LOG. PEARSON, PEARSON i GUMBEL. Za teoretsku funkciju raspodjele kod svih meteoroloških stanica usvojena je funkcija log. Pearson, jer ona najbolje aproksimira sračunatim vrijednostima indeksa mraza zraka.
Za istraživanje uticaja mikrolokaliteta na veličinu indeksa mraza zraka uzete su nezavisno promjenljive veličina za koje se pretpostavljalo da utiču, i koje se mogu numerički izraziti. Primjenjen je matematički model multivarijantne regresione analize i dobijena je jednačina združenog uticaja. Otkrivenom zakonitošću projektanti kolovoznih konstrukcija mogu da na bilo kom mikrolokalitetu, kuda putni pravac prolazi, sračunaju indeks mraza zraka i provjere kolovoznu konstrukciju na štetno dejstvo mraza.