Scientific Journal Facta Universitatis has been published by the University of Niš since 1986. The Journal currently comprises the following 14 series, listed in alphabetical order:

Within the period of 1991-2007 "FACTA UNIVERSITATIS" also included the series:

Members of the editorial boards of all series are academicians, university professors and renowned scientists in the relevant scientific fields.
Papers published in the series of "FACTA UNIVERSITATIS" are issued preferably in English and, in some of the series, in other leading world languages as well, and represent original research results of the authors in their respective areas corresponding to the series title.
All series are distributed to information and referral institutes and a number of papers published in them entered relevant referral magazines.

Call for papers

Authors should refer to the guide for writing format and style. Any papers not fulfilling the requirements from the guide for authors will not be processed. Manuscripts with significant results and prepared strictly conforming to the guide will be reviewed and published at the highest priority.
Manuscripts should be submitted online, according to the instructions for the series of your choice, which can be found on the respective web-page.
Submitted papers are evaluated by anonymous referees for contribution, originality, relevance, and presentation. We ensure you that our Editorial Board will review the articles at fast track and every effort should be made to publish the article in the Current Issue.
Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it will undergo language copyediting, typesetting, and reference validation in order to provide the highest publication quality possible.
There are no any other hidden charges (Per author charge, Per page charge, Printing Charge, Colour page charge).
For more information, visit the web-page of the corresponding series.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the Journal.